Monday, March 8, 2010

Beyond the “IRONMAN”

Initially I was going to BLOG about my 2009 IRONMAN experience, but as I ran yesterday, on a beautiful sunny Sunday afternoon for 20.2 Miles (man was not made to run that far…at least not this man…haha) in prep for my upcoming marathon, I realized a state beyond the IRONMAN.

I have felt and witnessed this experience before, but only now have reflected on it…the powers of writing a BLOG…who knew.

The experience is a timeless event that transcends mere sport. It is the enjoyment of the purity and grace of athleticism. No thinking, emotionless and natural.

Last year I believed that it was the journey that counts and not the end goal…well today I believe its simpler than that…it’s the moment that counts.

The moment is you disappearing into existence… you are one with the wind and the sun. Time doesn’t exist, goals don’t matter, pace is irrelevant, and sport and body mechanics flow like water through a clenched fist…smooth, flowing , uncatchable yet tangible.

I’d like to share two of similar experiences I had.

The first time I experienced this was when I was out in the Cascade Range in Oregon and a few of my friends and I decided we were going to run up and down the “Three Sisters” three volcanic peaks each 10,000 feet plus elevation. I was in the best shape of my life at the time, worked out 4 hours a day and ran crazy events like mud and mountain runs. My friends were also in outstanding shape. One was a pro athlete and the other two were Division I athletes from Stanford University. One morning we assaulted the North Sister. It is the most dangerous of the Three Sisters, due to its level of erosion, and thus rock is unstable at the top. Every three steps up is two steps down, due to the sliding of the rock. About 500 feet from the pinnacle, I was very proud of myself after leaving my friends in the dust up the face. My legs were cramping and I was feeling the early stages of dehydration but that was all irrelevant because I was just about to conquer this frustrating beast of a mountain. I took one quick look at the top and was just about to make by final ditch effort before I looked down the face and noticed a very unassuming individual gliding up the mountain effortlessly taking pictures here and there of the horizon. I froze in wonder. My friends and I had no packs just water bottle belts and yet this man flew past them carrying full camping gear on his back. He was still 600 feet below me, and so, I redoubled my efforts and internally promised myself that this guy wouldn’t catch me. He did not even notice that I was above him. He kept on stopping to take pictures. Soon, even with all my effort, he floated by me to the peak like I was standing still and with a friendly wave continued up the peak where he disappeared over the edge. When I finally reached the summit he was there on the edge sitting drinking hot tea that he just warmed up on high powered stove. He just looked out into the vast gorgeous expanse as if nothing else existed. My stumbling and heavy breath rudely knocked him out of his moment but he did not fret at all and offered me some of his tea. He said to me “well done that is some hard work getting up that shale”. I replied, “you made it look so easy.” How do you climb so effortlessly you’re in fantastic shape? He answered “I have an unfair advantage over you… I have done this for many years… I was born on a mountain top and am a Mountain Ranger from New Zealand.” I just stared at him, unbelieving. As if reading my mind, he continued, “Friend I have learned over many years to let go of the summit and not assault the mountain, do not treat it as a conquest, be one with it and enjoy the moment.” He took a swig of his tea and got back to looking beyond the IRONMAN.

Ten years later, last year June 2009, I found myself climbing another mountain this time on a bike and on the fringes of the French Alps north of Nice during IRONMAN FRANCE. I was about one third of the way done of the 112 mile bike course and had climbed about 4000’ of the total 6000’ plus elevation gain, and feeling pretty proud of the fact that I was about to conquer another mountain when a group of riders flew past me at an ungodly speeds up a very steep angle. As I challenged myself to stay above 10mph, the riders easily glided up the mountain at 20 plus MPH without breaking a sweat. Their bikes were no high-end tri bikes… just a simple aluminum frame cheapos. They had no water bottles and carried packs on their backs. They were soon out of sight. They all had the same look and aspect of the mountain ranger that I met and I couldn’t help but reflect on that moment in Oregon. At the end of the race, I spotted some of the riders back in the transition area in Nice, and I asked how they climbed that mountain so fast and effortlessly. They responded matter of factly Spanish accents and easy smiles on their faces, “What mountain…That?” they pointed to the Alps, “… we rode there since we were kids.” They continued “To you it’s a mountain…to us it’s our home.”

As I look back now, it is those moments that are the true definition of pure athleticism. It’s got nothing to do with pace, times or rankings. It’s got everything to do with the now and the moment. It is natural. It is beyond the IRONMAN.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying you should not set goals, work on pace, form and time. What I am suggesting is that once a week you leave the watch, the goals, the time and the ego at home and travel beyond the IRONMAN. There you will find your true self. There you will find nature.

Written by


Saturday, February 20, 2010


Here is my first blog ever. Recent years and my entry into triathlon life have taught me there is a first time for everything in life. The anxiety associated with first times typically far exceeds the benefit of the first experience, which can lead to a path of success. I cannot guarantee there will not be some bumps in the road along the way but you will get there.

In the fall of 2005 I walked into a health club for the first time in my life. At 30 years old and 290lbs, I finally decided something had to change. Nearly sick to my stomach, I asked Sandy at the front desk to sign me up for a membership. I signed the papers, paid the money, and a brief walk around the club I was a member. Great, now what the heck to I do? Fortunately the membership came with a brief meeting with a trainer. I met with Lisa for an hour and quickly realized for the first time in my life I would have to seek help to get where I wanted to go.

Months of hard work, education, a new road bike, 90 lbs of weight loss and some encouragement from Jen and David I found myself signing up for GSTC for the 2008 season, again sick to my stomach. I could write an entire blog about the first day at the pool but I made it through and most importantly I went to the next training session. I learned to swim! Who would have ever thought that would be possible!

My first triathlon was the Eastman Splash, Mash and Dash Sprint in June 2008, I couldn’t have been more nervous than that morning standing at the edge of the water waiting for the gun to go off but I was there. An entire blog could be written on this race but I finished, alive, and I was so excited. I completed three more triathlons in 2008, including my first Olympic distance race along with my first ocean swim. The 2008 season ended with my first half marathon.

2009 brought many more firsts, my first and second Half Ironman, numerous other races and my first marathon last fall, the Marine Corps Marathon. But now what? More firsts or do you start to improve on pasts? Is Ironman next? During 2010 I will seek to improve upon what I have learned.

It took me so long to learn that taking the first step is the hardest part of anything. Whether it is a triathlon, taking control of your life, managing a large project, hiking a 4000-foot mountain, finances, personal life, or blogging once you take the first step you will find there is a path to where you want to go. Where will the path lead to next?

Posted by Peter Foster

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Tri-ing It With Others

Let's be honest, triathlons are really an individual sport. One of the main reasons I enjoyed competing in triathlons was because everything depended on me. No teammates to rely on. My results were my doing. I had no one to blame but myself on how I did. If I didn't train, I wouldn't do well. Simple.

For many of my first few years of racing and training, I did it mostly alone. As I improved and I increased my distance, I found myself training more and more alone. Not everyone wanted to do an 80 mile ride or a 15 mile run for fun. Time was always an issue as well and trying to get in workouts with others just didn't fit into my schedule.

Of course there were some trainings and a variety of rides that I would encourage others to join me. Many times it was more work to get others to join me than it was worth. And when I began preparing for Ironman USA, the times I rode with others decreased even more.

However, last year I decided to make a change. I was going to try and workout with others. Through the GSTC and the Fitness Edge I was able to find others who wanted to swim, bike and run more often with me. I wasn't worried about their ability level just that they wanted to join me on any workout I was doing. Riding with Peter, Kim, Dave, Tom, Jay and others was really enjoyable and it helped me through some tough times.

This past fall, I decided to start a running group in Meredith. So far, it has worked out really well. We are all a bit different in our abilities but we all have the same desire to challenge ourselves on a regular basis. I have NEVER been one to run in the cold (meaning below 40 degrees) but knowing others will be there has been a wonderful motivation. Our group has grown and friendships have flourished.

As I prepare for the 2010 season, I am looking forward to more swims, rides and runs with others. My friends have motivated me to become better. We have great conversations on the bike and on our runs.

I think that triathlons for most people begins as an individual sport. However, I think that has all changed. The GSTC was one of the first clubs in the state and now they are popping up all over the place. Yes, the race is individual, but getting there is a group effort.

Oh yeah, if you want to read more go to my personal blog:

Written by David Levesque

Sunday, October 25, 2009

VO2 max testing and more..for free!

Today Jen Marts and I went to UNH for free VO2 max testing. We also got caliper testing, lactate threshold and much more. It was great. We both learned a lot. It was hard work, but only for a short time. This will give us the information to train better, smarter and more effecitively in the future. UNH always offers this testing, for a reasonable fee, but right now it is absolutely free for women who race in aerobars. Contact Kerry Litka for more information at
Posted by Lisa Davy

Monday, August 17, 2009

Black Fly Race Report

We made the Citizen! Thanks to Jen Marts for writing the article! (The citizen inserted some other things throughout the article)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Fred Brown Relay around Lake Winnipesaukee

We are looking to put together a team or two or more for this run relay! Legs are varying lengths. Let us know you are interested and get on a team! So far we have: Lynnea Koster, Tom Dawson, Alex Umansky, Lisa Davy, Alex Noordergraaf, John Bristol, Corrine S., Bob G., Sandy Woehr and possibly Jen Marts. We can keep going and make 2 teams!

Here is the link to the race so you can check it out:

GSTC items available!

Jackets are in, so are arm warmers, visors, hats, socks, cycling shirts, extra uniforms, T-shirts, water bottles and more! Support your club and show your pride in GSTC! Some items are limited quantities so don't wait!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Looking for love in all the right places

At GSTC, you can find a workout partner, friends and even the love of your life. Joining GSTC gives you the opportunity to meet people with the same interests. Imagine, doing what you love, with the person you love!